Magazine from Empire Tours, ltd

For you, with Czech or Slovak roots, and Czech Republic or Slovakia lovers

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Shoot & Go

We are ready to shoot & go any place in Czech or Slovak Republic for you. Useful for „virtual traveling“! When you cannot travel, we are here for you. This is a great service for lovers of genealogical trips. We’ll… Pokračovat ve čtení →

Online services

The year 2019 was full of changes in our lives. We found our new possibilities and have started to do online services. The main scope is about teaching maths, digital skills, English and Spanish conversation, for Czech and Slovak students…. Pokračovat ve čtení →

Tailor-Made Itinerary

A tailor-made itinerary is the beginning of our cooperation. We will make your own for you. We can do it really well, we know the countries here. Along with the itinerary, you will receive a Voucher from us valid for 18 months for a tailor-made trip according to… Pokračovat ve čtení →

About Magazine

Hello, World ! This is Magazine from Empire Tours, ltd, Czech Republic. This is for you, with Czech or Slovak roots, living in USA, and for all people loving and interesting Czech Republic and Slovakia. Welcome ! Vaclav & Patricia… Pokračovat ve čtení →

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